Love Light Romania (LLR), a Romanian charity (NGO) celebrating its 20th anniversary, provides care facilities to institutionalised adults with disabilities and was one of the first charities in Romania to react to the conflict in Ukraine, which started on February 24, 2022.
Thanks to sponsorship funding from corporate donors such as Stanchion Payment Solutions and private individuals, we have now helped over 1,000 Ukrainians.
In the first month of the crisis, families, mothers, children and babies were crossing the Romanian border to flee from the war in their country. They left everything behind. The children and babies needed food and clothes. Families needed places to stay. A key gap was the availability of transport from the borders to safe destinations such as Sibiu. LLR worked with the local authorities such as Sibiu to coordinate support. At that stage, LLR urgently needed extra minibus transport, fuel and food supplies.
Now, three months on, priorities have changed. Those settled Ukrainians still need food and hygienic aid, but transport to the donation centres, pick-up points and centralised facilities for employment interviews, medical check-ups, haircare etc is a critical need as they fled without means of transport.
The donation from Stanchion Payment Solutions has enabled LLR to purchase extra transport and has helped with food and fuel purchases. LLR has just provided assistance to its 1000th Ukrainian.
LLR has a funding campaign running to raise Euro 50,000 to provide assistance for the rest of 2022. Donations can be made
Note to the press: For more information please contact Robert Rowe, director Charity of Love Light Romania, phone +40762613593, e-mail
About Stanchion Payment Solutions
Established in 2001, Stanchion Payments has offices in Australia, South Africa, the UK, Middle East and the USA. Our experience in complex payments environments and our ability to leverage our international client engagements enable us to offer a range of solutions, services and products to integrate, manage, optimise and secure your payments systems. Trusted by clients around the globe, we have a collaborative and flexible approach, focused on addressing our clients’ business opportunities and challenges.
Media Contacts for Stanchion: Norman Frankel, +447940759268